Artist stop
being poor

A community that builds
better creative businesses.

Sustaining a creative business is much more than simply painting, drawing or taking photos. Nurturing a thriving art career requires strategizing, planning and a clear business plan.

We help creatives develop a profitable business out of their art practice.

Empowering Artists.

We believe in creating tools to empower artists’ careers, obtaining greater visibility and doing what they love.

Led by @stephan.vankuyk, Berlin-based art consultant, Artists Stop Being Poor was created as a way of sharing his unique insights into the art world, all aimed at driving artists to a thriving practice.

Empowering art buying.

We make it easy to support living artists, offering limited edition prints by amazing artists in a clear and direct way.

Three sizes. Three prices. Dozens of artists.

You can also become join the Art Collectors Club, to get artworks delivered to you monthly along with exclusive content.

We take the hassle (and pretentiousness) out of buying art, making it easier for you to start your art collection.

20×30 cm – 30 EUR
30×40 cm – 35 EUR
50×70 cm – 40 EUR

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