John Bishop
Houston, Texas

John Bishop is a painter and illustrator currently working in Houston, Texas. After living abroad in Romania, The Emirates, New Zealand, and Russia, John returned home and works full-time in fine art, illustration, publishing, video production and photography.
Part of the Dreamland series, Cicitlalti represents the firmament of stars as a constant symbol for humanity. Filled with symbolic language, much possibly subconscious, this painting speaks to that visual vocabulary common to us all.
This painting is in a series called Gates of Wisdom. In the Kabbalah, there are 50 gates through which we must pass to reach perfection, and each of these abstract expressionist paintings also contains a hidden key. This particular gate concerns itself with orderly speech, so watch what you say.
Johnny is one in a series of cartoon drawings on vintage book pages. In this case, the page is from a Latin theological journal. The subtext is unimportant, but the notion that there is a clear non-verbal communication that takes place in art. Johnny knows something that he’s not telling us, and I for one, admire him more for keeping his secret.
One in a series of abstract expressionist paintings in acrylics on paper filled with movement, energy, and color. They were all painted as I sat with my dying father in 2020. Each has been named after one of the twelve archangels of Judeo-Christian lore, and would make a bold addition to any collection.
“Not everyone is an artist but everyone is a fucking critic.”
Marcel Duchamp