#8 Managing art projects with Toyism

This week we speak with Toyism, an art collective based in the Netherlands that’s been active for over 30 years, working on a wide array of art projects. We talk about how artists can search for and present their work for open calls and opportunities, as well as the important role they can play in growing your artistic career.

Vanessa Souli – instagram.com/toyismart/

This week we speak with Toyism, an art collective based in the Netherlands that’s been active for over 30 years, working on a wide array of art projects. We talk about how artists can search for and present their work for open calls and opportunities, as well as the important role they can play in growing your artistic career.

Join our community – https://www.artiststopbeingpoor.club/join

Join our weekly live meetings: members.artiststopbeingpoor.club/events

You can also find tips and advice on the art world on my Instagram http://www.instagram.com/stephan.vankuyk