#2 Establishing your ARTIST BRAND! John Bishop
What’s up internet! It’s me, Stephan van Kuyk with another artworld talk! In these conversations I’m gonna focus on the business side of their practice, aiming to distill the strategies and tricks that got these creatives to where they are and tips that you can apply into your own practice. This time we’re talking with John Bishop, a Huston based artist and photographer about personal branding as a creative and how to use that to make your art practice stand out.
Artist Stop Being Poor is an online community to help artists thrive. We are there for each other, sharing our tips and tricks as well as our success stories. Artists from the community have access to a wide library of knowledge, resources, and templates. As well as a collective gallery, where they can sell their art as limited editions to a world-wide audience of art lovers.
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Join our weekly live meetings – https://artiststopbeingpoor.club/art-… You can also find tips and advice on the art world on my Instagram www.instagram.com/stephan.vankuyk